Monday, February 7, 2011

Birds Of A Feather - Fine Feathered Traditions in Fashion

The Doll Twins

Natalie Portman in Black Swan

Theda Bara's peacock feather dress in the silent film Cleopatra

A design by Thierry Muggler

Maharaja of Patilia, 1941

There is something I just adore about working with feathers as an adornment! Maybe it's the amazing shapes they create, their magnificent colors and patterns, and the fact that they are so much like hair. But whether they are worn on the crowns of Native American chiefs and warriors, on the hats of high society ladies, cresting the turbans of Sheiks & Sultans, or flourishing the extravagant headdresses of Silent Film Era always been exalted the world wide over for their natural beauty, grace & elegance, and have always been worn as a symbol of status, refinement, and luxury. Many great fables & fine theatrical performances have been mused on human's desire to be compared to the beauty of birds, and many breeds of birds themselves have often been revered as symbols of love and romance in honor of their beauty and often monogamous mating rituals. Whether or not you fancy these fabulous creatures of flight, you cannot deny the universal interest among people to dress in their splendid image!